Partnership empowers veterinary college
The Governments of Manitoba, British Columbia and Saskatchewan have renewed their financial commitment to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine on the University of Saskatchewan campus for the next five years.
The renewal of the WCVM Interprovincial Agreement helps to ensure that Western Canada has a steady supply of veterinarians with in-depth knowledge of animal health and public health, as well as an awareness of the standards and issues facing livestock, fowl and fisheries producers and pet owners.
"This agreement ensures that the WCVM can continue delivering a powerful combination of veterinary education, clinical service and research," said Dr. Gillian Muir, acting dean of the WCVM. "Thank you to our partners for investing in our college’s bright future. Thank you for believing in us."
Since the mid-1960s, this unique document has been updated and renewed by the WCVM, its provincial partners and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) every five years.
The Interprovincial Agreement outlines the veterinary college’s responsibilities to its provincial partners in veterinary education, clinical and diagnostic services, and research. It spells out the terms about provincial enrolment quotas, residency status of applicants to the college and the cost-sharing formula for funding the college at USask.
Click here to read the Government of Saskatchewan news release and view messages from representative of the provincial partners and the University of Saskatchewan.