Horse Health Lines (Spring 2025) now online

The Spring 2025 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.

New $24 million funding to spearhead pandemic preparedness research

While the world continues to recover from the last pandemic, a major investment from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) could help the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) prepare the world for the next infectious disease crisis.

Matching passion with practice in equine medicine

For veterinarians who are passionate about equine care, the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) offers a gateway to specialized expertise through its internship and residency programs. These programs equip the students with hands-on experience, expert mentorship, and an opportunity to advance their careers in equine medicine.

Watch for holiday dangers to family pets

While the holidays are a joyous time for many people, the extra hustle and bustle of large gatherings can make it easy for household pets to get into trouble unnoticed.

MRI and LINAC installation project begins March 2025

While the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre (VMC) has been planning a construction project that will significantly enhance its technological resources, the hospital's leadership team has secured an alternative provider for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnostic services.

Unlocking the ‘genetic magic’ of beef cattle

The next phase of a University of Saskatchewan (USask) research initiative aims to sequence the entire genome of beef cattle for the selection of optimum physical and behavioural traits and create a Canadian genetic database — two ambitious goals that will have a significant impact on the country’s beef cattle industry.

Friends of VIDO receives $1 million from celebrated Saskatoon philanthropist

A generous donation of $1 million from Ellen Remai, through the Frank and Ellen Remai Foundation, will support the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), a world-class research facility at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), with an aim to stop emerging infectious diseases and future pandemics.

Access to veterinary care critical to health of animals and people

Snarling, yelping and teeth gnashing was all I heard on one picturesque afternoon at my home First Nation in northern B.C. I was 13 years old, and my five-year-old sister and I were playing outside of my Nana’s house when Grizzly, our beloved family dog, was attacked by a pack of roaming dogs.

USask beef cattle ethologist receives bovine welfare award

Dr. Diego Moya (DVM, PhD), a beef cattle ethologist at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), has received the 2024 Metacam Bovine Welfare Award for his exceptional work in advancing the scientific understanding of bovine welfare and implementing improvements in the beef cattle sector.

Switching ‘off’ equine herpesvirus

The Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) has awarded US$99,846 over three years to University of Saskatchewan virologist Dr. Kristen Conn in support of foundational research targeting equine herpesvirus (EHV).

Horse Health Lines (Fall 2024) now online

The Fall 2024 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.

Horse health recharged

This spring, researchers and graduate students based at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) received over $132,000 in support of equine health studies and student training.

Workshops make equine anatomy come alive

Tired of memorizing the intricacies of equine anatomy? Put that textbook aside — Dr. Madison Ricard (DVM, PhD) offers an entertaining way to help make learning about horses’ limbs, organs and systems much more memorable for people of all ages.

To catch a cat killer

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a life-threatening disease with an increased incidence in cats that have spent time in humane shelters or other multi-cat environments.

Digging up danger

As dogs dig holes and sniff their surroundings during their daily walks, owners should be aware of a potentially fatal fungal disease that could infect their pets.

Vet Topics (Spring 2024) now online

The Spring 2024 issue of Vet Topics, news publication for the veterinary college's Companion Animal Health Fund, is now available online.

Banned rodenticide still endangers pets’ lives

It’s been a year since Saskatchewan banned the use of strychnine to control rodents, but a University of Saskatchewan (USask) veterinary toxicologist is warning that the highly toxic poison continues to threaten the lives of animals in the province.

USask mourns the passing of Dr. Leslie Dubé

The Saskatoon philanthropist, who died on March 13, 2024, at the age of 91, was bestowed with an honorary degree in 2007 for his many contributions to the University of Saskatchewan and to organizations across the province.

USask’s VIDO selected to join DIANA innovation accelerator

The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) has been selected to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) program. VIDO is one of 13 new Canadian test centres chosen to be part of the network—and the only centre with biotechnology as its main focus.

Preparing for the worst is the best plan for horse owners

No one wants a life-threatening disaster to occur at their barn or stable but very few horse owners make the time to develop a plan for preventing emergencies, says Dr. Rebecca (Gimenez) Husted, a primary emergency response instructor with expertise in large animal emergency rescue.

WCVM faculty awarded CIHR research funding

Through its latest round of funding, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research is investing $4,862,701 in 13 projects led by University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers and research teams — including scientists who are part of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) faculty. 

Husted wants to help save your horses and your barn

Ask Dr. Rebecca (Gimenez) Husted to describe her work and she’ll tell you that she’s “the chief cook and bottle washer” of Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue, Inc. (TLAER) — an organization that guides animal owners in handling and preventing emergencies.

USask veterinarian earns top research prize

Dr. Nathalie Reisbig’s research work on an often-overlooked part of the equine anatomy earned the Western College of Veterinary Medicine veterinarian a top prize of $10,000 at the Calgary International Equine Symposium in September 2023.

Horse Health Lines (Spring 2024) now online

The Spring 2024 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.

A growing fetus may lead to preterm labour

The statistics reflect a stark reality: about 15 million babies are born prematurely each year, with preterm birth accounting for 70 per cent of newborn deaths worldwide.

The limb chill factor: study explores cold therapy options for laminitis

University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers hope their recent review of previous studies assessing different types of cold therapies for preventing and treating equine acute laminitis will help veterinarians and serve as a starting point for the design of a new cost-effective cooling boot.

Harmful algal blooms: alarming threats lurking in waters

Have you ever walked by a pond and noticed a thick green or bluish-green layer covering the surface of water? These thick layers are becoming increasingly common in oceans, lakes, ponds and other water bodies — threatening aquatic life and human health.

Agriculture Development Fund bolsters WCVM-based research projects

University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers who are also part of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) faculty have received over $1.75 million in financial support from Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) for livestock-focused research projects in 2024.

USask livestock and forage research receives nearly $6 million

Livestock-focused research projects spearheaded by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and USask-affiliated centres received almost $6 million from the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) and are supported by industry co-funders.

Wildlife leader emphasizes collaboration with WCVM

Amid a growing need for wildlife health research and surveillance in Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) wants the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) community to know that relationship building is more important than ever.

Cameras give ‘bird’s eye view’ of bovine respiratory disease

Precision technological advancements such as the use of cameras in livestock production could provide beef cattle feedlot employees a “bird’s eye view,” allowing them to monitor and flag any cattle showing signs of illnesses such as bovine respiratory disease.

Horse Health Lines (Fall 2023) now online

The Fall 2023 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.

Equine vets in training

Drs. Alannah Friedlund, Eveline Juce and Josefina Ghersa are among the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s team of incoming residents and clinical interns whose work focuses on equine health. Visit to read more profiles of the college’s new team members.

Funds fuel horse health

The Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) has invested over $140,000 in support of equine health-related research and graduate students for 2023.

New USask funding to advance Canada’s beef sector

Dr. Antonio Facciuolo (PhD) from the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) has new support to develop a vaccine against Johne’s disease — a chronic intestinal disease of cattle that's significant to the beef and dairy industry.

A rare reaction for a rare cat

My cat Bart is my best friend. When I’m sad, he jumps to where I am and lies down for pets and cuddles. He goes crazy for chicken liver cat treats. And when I come home from a long day at university, he greets me at the door.

WCVM veterinarians and alumni earn national honours

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) has recognized three veterinarians from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) for their exceptional achievements in improving health care for livestock and companion animals in Canada.