Horse Health Lines (Fall 2023) now online
The Fall 2023 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.
By WCVM TodayThe Fall 2023 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.
Here’s a quick look inside the issue:
Bone formation scoring 2.0
Dr. Claire Card and her WCVM research colleagues are developing a new bone formication (ossification) scoring system to assess bony development in newborn foals to predict their future conformation and athletic performance as part of a larger project investigating hypothyroidism and dysmaturity syndrome (CHDS).
Fund fuels horse health
The WCVM has allocated over $140,000 in support of equine health-related research and graduate students in 2023. TEHRF is providing about $60,500 while the remaining financial support comes from a fund created by B.C. couple Mark and Pat DuMont.
Chlamydia linked to equine abortions
WCVM scientists have discovered chlamydial DNA in placenta samples collected from aborted equine tissues gathered from western Canadian horses.
Butler’s love of horses drives veterinary career
Embracing her role as a lecturer in large animal medicine at the WCVM, internal medicine specialist Dr. Amanda Butler strives to engage her students with entertaining lecturers and interactive content.
Equine vets in training
Several equine health-focused residents and clinical interns have joined the WCVM recently, including Drs. Alannah Friedlund and Eveline Juce — both veterinary graduates of the veterinary college.
Galloping Gazette
A round up of the latest equine health news at the WCVM. This issue’s column highlights a new equine scholarship for veterinary graduates of the WCVM established by the former Saskatchewan Speed Horses Association.
Research in print
A list of WCVM-related equine research articles recently published in peer-reviewed research journals.
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