Horse Health Lines (Spring 2024) now online
The Spring 2024 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.
By WCVM TodayThe Spring 2024 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.
Here’s a quick look inside the issue:
Reisbig earns top research prize
Dr. Nathalie Reisbig’s research work on an often-overlooked part of the equine anatomy earned the Western College of Veterinary Medicine veterinarian a top prize of $10,000 at the Calgary International Equine Symposium in September 2023.
Scientists bite into evasive equine disease
Pain in the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) — the two joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull — is a common health issue for people as well as dogs, cats and sheep. But up until a couple of years ago, the same couldn’t be said about horses — and that always puzzled Dr. James Carmalt.
The limb chill factor
University of Saskatchewan (USask)researchers hope their review of previous studies assessing different types of cold therapies for preventing and treating equine acute laminitis will help veterinarians and serve as a starting point for a new cost-effective cooling boot.
Preparing for the worst is the best plan for horse owners
No one wants a life-threatening disaster to occur at their barn or stable, but very few horse owners plan for potential emergencies, says Dr. Rebecca (Gimenez) Husted, a primary emergency response instructor.
Galloping Gazette
A round up of the latest equine health news at the WCVM. This issue’s column reports on several equine education events: Saskatchewan Equine Expo, an EquineED Talk focusing on endocrine disease and laminitis and the annual Equine Education Day.
Research in Print
A list of WCVM-related equine research articles recently published in peer-reviewed research journals.
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