Horse Health Lines (Fall 2024) now online
The Fall 2024 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.
By WCVM TodayThe Fall 2024 issue of Horse Health Lines, news publication for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, is now online.
- Click here to view Horse Health Lines (digital edition)
- Download Horse Health Lines (PDF)
Here’s a quick look inside the issue:
Passion for horses leads to vet internship
After years of "living and breathing horses," Dr. Laura Callaghan is savouring her new role as an equine field service intern at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM).
Horse health recharged
This spring, researchers and graduate students based at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) received over $132,000 in support of equine health studies and student training.
Pumping up equine health
Imagine being able to diagnose equine myocardial disease — diseases that affedt horses' heart muscles — quickly, accurately and right at the barn.
Switching 'off' equine herpesvirus
The Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) has awarded US$99,846 over three years to University of Saskatchewan virologist Dr. Kristen Conn in support of foundational research targeting equine herpesvirus.
Curing cuts with cod
With financial support from the Townsend Equine Health Research Fund, Dr. Alannah Friedlund is conducting research on an unconventional approach for treating lower-limb wounds: fish skin grafts.
Workshops make anatomy come alive
Dr. Madison Ricard, a WCVM lecturer who recently completed her PhD program, has developed three-hour anatomy workshops for horse lovers aged 12 and older. All she requires is a host and a large enough space for the hands-on workshop.
Galloping Gazette
A round up of the latest equine health news at the WCVM. In this issue, the North American Chuckwagon Championships in July 2024 included a horse health-focused event along with a TEHRF donation. As well, two WCVM students received scholarships in recognition of their dedication to horse health care.
Research in Print
A list of WCVM-related equine research articles recently published in peer-reviewed research journals.
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