WCVM celebrates undergraduate research at annual poster day
After a summer spent immersed in research, University of Saskatchewan (USask) students showcased their project findings at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s (WCVM) annual undergraduate research poster day on September 6.
By Cat Zens
Faculty, students and staff gathered in the second-floor hallways of the WCVM to support the 31 students who presented their research in poster format. The event saw a variety of topics, spanning the effects of probiotics on honey bees to the causes of morbidity and mortality in dairy cattle.
A panel of 30 judges graded the posters in two categories: clinical and applied research, and basic and mechanistic research. First-place winners in each category received $500, while second- and third-place recipients earned $300 and $200, respectively.
Clinical and applied research
First place: Eric Kim (supervisor: Dr. Arata Matsuyama, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences). Poster title: "Enhancing comparative oncology insights: F-FDG PET-CT imaging analysis of pulmonary nodules in dogs and establishing the WCVM tumour bank program." Kim is a third-year veterinary student at the WCVM.
Second place: Chris James (supervisor: Dr. Gregg Adams, Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences). Poster title: "Isothermal collection of bison germplasm at near-zero or sub-zero temperatures in wild conditions." James is a second-year veterinary student at the WCVM.
Third place: Laura Shaw (supervisor: Dr. Dylan Olver, Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences). Poster title: "Blood pressure and cerebral perfusion during anesthesia." Shaw is a fourth-year veterinary student at the WCVM.
Basic and mechanistic research
First place: Zihan Li (supervisor: Dr. David Janz, Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences). Poster title: "Tire mire: cardiorespiratory effects of 6PPD-quinone in subadult fathead minnow." Li is a second-year veterinary student at the WCVM.
Second place: Andy Kim (supervisor: Dr. Janet Hill, Department of Veterinary Microbiology). Poster title: “Identification of reference genes for gene expression analysis of glycogen degrading enzymes in Gardnerella swidsinskii by real-time quantitative PCR." Kim is an undergraduate student at USask.
Third place: Brooke Tonkin (supervisor: Dr. Claire Card, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences). Poster title: “Skeletal development in foals." Click here to read Tonkin’s science news article about her team’s research work.