WCVM Alumni Homecoming 

The Western College of Veterinary Medicine's (WCVM) 60th anniversary events for alumni and treasured friends will take place on June 6-7, 2025, on the University of Saskatchewan (USask) campus and other locations in Saskatoon, Sask. 

Looking Back

Events and Registration

The WCVM's alumni homecoming events will take place on June 6-7, 2025.

Thanks so much your interest in the WCVM's 60th anniversary celebration! Due to the high level of excitement from our graduates, the college has limited space for certain portions of the celebration.



• You can still register for the homecoming weekend. Please contact wcvm.supportus@usask.ca if you would like to attend.

• Registration for the Friday reception is nearing capacity. Please contact wcvm.supportus@usask.ca if you would like to attend. 

• Registration for the Saturday afternoon riverboat cruises is CLOSED. 

WCVM 60th Anniversary Welcome Reception 
NOTE: registration for the Friday reception is near capacity. Please contact wcvm.supportus@usask.ca if you would like to attend. 

Time/date: 5:30-9:30 p.m., Friday, June 6, 2025
Location: Sheraton Cavalier Hotel
A complimentary dinner buffet and beverages to be provided.

WCVM Dean Dr. Gillian Muir will be there to celebrate the college’s success along with WCVM alumni and treasured friends.

The evening will include a welcome from Dr. Muir and a guest speaker, along with plenty of time to enjoy each’s other company. 

WCVM Open House 
Time/date: 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, June 7 
Location: WCVM, USask

Throughout the morning, the WCVM will offer guided tours with featured stations highlighting new programs and new areas of the college. Visitors will also have the opportunity to explore the college on their own and revisit fond memories at their own pace. 

WCVM 60th Anniversary Lunch 
Time/date: 12-1:30 p.m., Saturday, June 7
Location: WCVM
Lunch provided by the WCVM 

Dr. Barry Blakley's Tea: “A Tribute to Barry” 
Dr. Barry Blakley (1949-2024)
Time/date: 1:30-2:30 p.m., Saturday, June 7
Location: Outdoor green space between WCVM and Toxicology Centre buildings 
Refreshments provided by the WCVM

Dr. Barry Blakley (DVM'75, PhD'80) was a pillar of the WCVM. Throughout his long career on the USask campus, Dr. Blakley made significant contributions to veterinary toxicology. His scholarly work led to numerous publications — including 117 research papers and eight book chapters — and he has been recognized in the top two per cent of the world’s most-cited scientists. He also shared his expertise widely with practitioners across the country and internationally.

More importantly, Dr. Blakley was a treasured husband, father, friend and colleague. Dr. Patricia Blakley and family, Dean Muir and Dr. Blakley’s classmates (Class of 1975) invite you to share memories and visit — one of his favourite things to do!

Prairie Lily Riverboat Cruise
Registration for the Saturday afternoon riverboat cruises is CLOSED.

Time/date: 4-5 p.m.
Location: Prairie Lily riverboat dock is located on the west side of South Saskatchewan River in downtown Saskatoon. Parking is available in Kinsmen Riverfront Park Area. Visit the Prairie Lily website (theprairielily.com/wp/) for details or use the following GPS co-ordinates: 52.134202, -106.648135 to find location.
Complimentary admission provided by the WCVM

Join us for a unique experience celebrating the college’s 60th anniversary! Enjoy Saskatoon from the wonderful vantage point of the South Saskatchewan River before you head out for the evening to explore the city on your own or with your classmates. 

WCVM Class Reunions 
Time/date: 2:30 p.m.-12 a.m., Saturday, June 7 
Location: Multiple locations 
Events and dining options organized by individual WCVM classes

This time is for WCVM alumni who have arranged private time to celebrate their DVM journeys with their respective graduating classes.

If you haven't been contacted by a classmate for your reunion year and wish to discuss organizing a reunion with your peers, please contact Lindsay Royale, WCVM development officer (lindsay.royale@usask.ca) for more details. 

Class Reunions

Confirmed WCVM class reunions (as of February 17, 2025)

Class year Reunion year Class contact Contact information
WCVM Class of 1970 55 Dr. Gary Cruikshank garycruikshank@icloud.com
WCVM Class of 1971 54 Dr. Richard Christmas richardedwardchristmas@gmail.com
WCVM Class of 1972 53  Dr. Clay Gellhaus clay.gellhaus@shaw.ca
WCVM Class of 1975 50 Dr. Mark Jacobson mjacobson@warmanvetservices.ca
WCVM Class of 1977 48 Dr. Colleen O'Morrow k92thdr@hotmail.com
WCVM Class of 1989 36 Dr. Diana Durling durwils@myaccess.ca
WCVM Class of 1992 33 Dr. Sonia Kollassa docsdarson@shaw.ca
WCVM Class of 1993 32 Dr. Trevor Enberg tenberg@mac.com
WCVM Class of 2000 25 Dr. Becky Newman bnewman@lah.ca
WCVM Class of 2005 20 Dr. Tanya Fyfe montanagem@live.com
WCVM Class of 2015 10 Dr. Brianna Cantafio brianne.cantafio@gmail.com

If your class wishes to organize a reunion in conjunction with the 60th anniversary celebrations, we want to hear from you!

Contact Lindsay Royale, WCVM development officer, to discuss (lindsay.royale@usask.ca). 


The WCVM has made arrangements with Saskatoon's Park Town Hotel for a block of rooms that will be available to attendees of the college's 60th anniversary celebrations. The Sheraton Cavalier Hotel is also offering a discount code for hotel rooms booked by attendees of the WCVM 60th anniversary celebrations.

Park Town Hotel
924 Spadina Crescent East
Front desk/reservations: 306-244-5564
Block code: WCVM60
Cut-off date for booking: May 5, 2025
Room block is available from June 5-9, 2025

Room types available in room block

King bed, city view $164*
Two Queen beds, river view $174*
Executive King, river view $184*
Executive two Queen beds, high floor with river view $184*

*Rates includes complimentary surface parking, $8 breakfast voucher per person, per day, in the hotel restaurant and 10 per cent off lunch or dinner in the hotel restaurant (per day).

To book a room, call the Park Town Hotel at 306-244-5564 or click here to book online.

  • Once the dates have been selected, please click on the "add code" button
  • Next, click the arrow by corporate code and select "group attendee"
  • System will accept the block code (WCVM60) when you "confirm dates of stay"

Sheraton Cavalier
612 Spadina Crescent East
Click here for discount code.
Once you click on the link, enter your chosen dates between June 5-9 and the discount will appear. 



Alumni and Development Office

Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM)
University of Saskatchewan
52 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK   S7N 5B4
 | 306-966-7268